The impact of a cancer diagnosis extends beyond the individual. The collective of family, friends, colleagues, and medical professionals play a vital part in the treatment experience, banding together to support those navigating a “new normal”.
And the collective power of each small act of every individual cannot be underestimated. This is why we’re inviting you to join the Confidence Collective.
As a way to acknowledge the big difference a small contribution from each of us can make, we’re asking you to become a part of our regular giving community. By donating as little as $5 each month, you’ll be helping us to expand our free national program.
This means more virtual workshops, more Confidence Kits, and more in-person workshops in more locations around the country. It means more Australians facing their diagnosis with confidence.
Sign up as a regular giver and become part of our Confidence Collective today.
You'll be helping provide us with certainty that together, we can continue to achieve our vision of connecting a community of people living a shared experience, empowering them to regain control, confidence, and a sense of self.
As thanks for being the first to join our Confidence Collective, those who sign up to regular giving and pay an annual amount of $60+ upfront before the 31st of October will receive a limited edition Look Good Feel Better Christmas Cracker. Our Christmas Crackers contain over $100 worth of full-sized and deluxe sample-sized products from leading cosmetic brands! Commit to an annual gift here.