Confidence Collective

Become part of our Confidence Collective and help us achieve our vision of connecting a community of people living a shared experience, empowering them to regain control, confidence, and a sense of self.

Confidence Collective Web Image

The impact of a cancer diagnosis extends beyond the individual. The collective of family, friends, colleagues, and medical professionals play a vital part in the treatment experience, banding together to support those navigating a “new normal”.

And the collective power of each small act of every individual cannot be underestimated. This is why we’re inviting you to join the Confidence Collective.

As a way to acknowledge the big difference a small contribution from each of us can make, we’re asking you to become a part of our regular giving community. By donating as little as $5 each month, you’ll be helping us to expand our free national program.

This means more virtual workshops, more Confidence Kits, and more in-person workshops in more locations around the country. It means more Australians facing their diagnosis with confidence.

Sign up as a regular giver and become part of our Confidence Collective today.

You'll be helping provide us with certainty that together, we can continue to achieve our vision of connecting a community of people living a shared experience, empowering them to regain control, confidence, and a sense of self.

Click Here To Join Us


As thanks for being the first to join our Confidence Collective, those who sign up to regular giving and pay an annual amount of $60+ upfront before the 31st of October will receive a limited edition Look Good Feel Better Christmas Cracker. Our Christmas Crackers contain over $100 worth of full-sized and deluxe sample-sized products from leading cosmetic brands! Commit to an annual gift here. 

Cracker Tile

Give A Gift, Get A Gift!



Regular giving helps to provide stability, security, and reassurance that our service will remain free and available to those who need it most.

When you join the Confidence Collective, you’ll receive regular updates on how you’re making a positive impact in the lives of those undergoing cancer treatment across the country. You will also receive special offers throughout the year, available only to those who are part of the Confidence Collective.

The Cancer Patients Foundation Limited (ABN 80 051 758 368) conducts the Look Good Feel Better program and is also endorsed as a deductible gift recipient. Donations $2 and over are tax deductible.

Please note all receipts sent and any donations made will appear on bank statements/accounts from the Cancer Patients Foundation.

Your donation enables Look Good Feel Better to provide free in-person and online workshops and Confidence Kits to help people with any type of cancer manage the most common physical and psychological impacts of treatment.

We accept monthly, quarterly and annual donations via Visa, Mastercard and direct debit.

To arrange payments via direct debit, please contact our Fundraising team on 1800 650 960 or email

Make a donation

You can update your details and communications preferences at any time by calling 1800 650 960 or email

Please call us on 1800 650 960 to arrange your regular gift over the phone or to discuss other ways you can make a regular gift to the Cancer Patients Foundation and Look Good Feel Better

We understand circumstances change or you may wish to increase your donation.

To amend your donation please login to your DonorBox account, call us on 1800 650 960 or email

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