Virtual Workshops

Our Virtual Workshops are live and interactive and offer cancer patients the opportunity to engage with those in a similar situation without the need to leave the comfort of home.
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Womens, Mens, Unisex, and Teens workshops are available via Zoom and are designed to assist with the physical, mental, and emotional impacts of cancer treatment. Participants can attend as many virtual workshops as they would like to.

Our standard Virtual Workshop topics include:

Skin care and make-up; addressing the common side-effects of cancer treatment like skin dryness and sun sensitivity; tips to correct and conceal redness, sallowness, pigmentation and dark circles; and techniques for drawing on eyebrows and eyelashes. This Virtual Workshop pairs perfectly with our Home-Delivered Confidence Kit service.

Wigs and headwear; offering advice on wig selection, wig care, scarf styling and alternative headwear options.

We also offer Feel Better Fridays on a weekly basis, teaching practical strategies to improve fitness, mobility, and mental wellbeing. Our Feel Better Fridays Virtual Workshop topics include:

Chair Yoga; traditional yoga poses adapted to the chair, to strengthen muscles and joints and improve mobility, health and wellness.

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); also known as 'Tapping', EFT is the stimulation of acupressure points on different parts of the body by applying pressure or tapping, for the purpose of reducing anxiety and stress.

Exercise; the types, frequency and benefits of exercise to assist with maintaining overall wellness during cancer treatment.

Healthy Cooking; easy to make, nourishing meals to help those undergoing cancer treatment feel as well as possible.

Meditation; bringing balance and calm into life to promote overall wellbeing.

Nutrition; foods and nutritional considerations to assist with some of the side effects of treatment.

Pranayama; the practice of breath regulation to assist with calming and centring the mind, and boosting energy levels.

Qigong; a practice similar to Tai Chi for calming the mind, relaxing the body and increasing energy levels.

To register for a Virtual Workshop, visit our Workshop Registration page.

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